Over the years I've honed a selection of excellent, mostly free, online games which provide a fun way to get better at maths and English. Useful for preparing for 7+, 11+ and 13+.
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entrance exams
The 11+ comprehension can be hard to prepare for, but most papers tend to ask the same types of questions year after year. Here I outline the four most common question types and explain how to answer them.
More and more schools are requiring applicants to take pre-tests well in advance of the usual entrance exams. Read on to learn exactly what they are and how to prepare for them.
So your child is approaching secondary school age, and you think you might like to switch to an independent school or a grammar school. Read on to get an overview of the different exams and assessments you'll be facing.
At its heart, the 11+ is an exam taken by children aged 10-11 who plan to enter a school at Year 7. The 11+ exam is taken in Year 6, typically in January. However, "11+" is an umbrella term which can apply to any of the following...
Grammar schools are state funded schools which achieve outstanding academic standards while being free to attend. Compared to expensive private schools, they are often an attractive option. Read on to find out about their entrance requirements.
Studies show that children slip backwards by an average of around 2 months' learning during the summer holidays. However, just a little bit of work can avoid this effect. Read on to see my suggestions.
When I come across a particularly interesting and/or tricky maths problem, I add it to this bank. The collection spans across 11+, 13+ and 16+ / GCSE questions.
Exams getting close? Check that you know these key facts for 11+ maths - it's not intended to be an exhaustive list, but it's a great start.
This is a quick checklist of things which students should include in their stories if they want to gain top marks in their 11+ stories.
As a parent or a new tutor, it can be hard to know what mark to award the stories that you are presented with. Schools don't typically release mark schemes, and as a parent you usually don't have many other stories to compare to. The blog post explains what to take into account when marking stories, and gives a simple methodology to follow.
A guide to planning your stories - works for both 11+ and 13+ English.